Carlota Martin Souto

Carlota has detailed knowledge of a wide range of forestry activities, and an excellent understanding of the forestry regulations and grant systems in Scotland. With over 8 years experience working in planning and forest management in both private and public sector jobs in Scotland, Carlota specialises in long-term forest plans, woodland creation, species selection, soil analysis, and landscape analysis.

BSc Hons Forestry - University of Highlands and Islands
Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Foresters
First Aid + Forestry
Chainsaw Maintenance, Cross-cutting, Felling and Processing Trees up to 380mm
Deer Stalking Certificate 1 (DSC1)

Dr Natasha Anstey

Scientist-become-forester, Tasha has 3 years experience in both private and public sector forestry in Scotland, working in forest planning and work programme management, preceeded by 7 years experience in biological sciences, including surveying, statistical analysis, and data collection and interrogation.

Specialises in planning, mapping, surveying, tree health, and data collection and processing.

BSc Hons Biology - University of Edinburgh
PhD Biology - University of Edinburgh
PDA Forestry - University of Highlands and Islands
First Aid + Forestry
Chainsaw Maintenance, Cross-cutting, Felling and Processing Trees up to 380mm